Chapter 2 The Familiar Feeling

Look, this person is so indifferent and ruthless, that he is able to abuse (hurt) her even though she is as beautiful as a fairy! It must be due to his resentment. When she fell from the hanging, she smashed his face blue, and now he want to pinch her neck.

With no air coming out of her throat, Fengyue struggled to break free from Yin Gezhi's hands, fee that she was about to be strangled to death, she simply stretched out her long legs, jumped up and clamped his waist, which caught him by surprise, not giving him a chance to recover she hooked her hands around his neck in a "monkey stealing peaches" style. 

He never thought that this woman would resist, even if he thought about it, he never thought that she would resist like this. Yin Gezhi just dodged and threw her away with a wave of his hand!

"You are a woman anyway, why are you so obscene!" After brushing the hem of his clothes fiercely, Yin Gezhi stared at her in disgust.

Coughing to comfort herself, Fengyue rolled her eyes slowly: "You are a son anyway, aren't you also very dirty? Bullying me a weak woman behind closed doors, what a hero!"

Weak woman?

With a sneer, Yin Gezhi didn't bother to argue with her, and slowly approached her step by step.

She still want to continue to talk back with a backbone, but when she look up, damn it! His eyes are full of murderous intent! Fengyue suddenly felt that having backbone in this type of situation was the most worthless thing in the world! She wiped her face, flicked her sleeves, and knelt towards him, hugging his thighs and refusing to let go:

"My lord, do you have something to say. You really have wronged a good man! This slave has never had any dealings with anyone outside, and it is my first time to be listed. I don't recognize the prince you mentioned. My expression is different just because of you. Your face is so good-looking that it reminds me of an old friend."

"Oh?" He stopped walking and looking down at the person at his feet, Yin Gezhi sneered: "Old friend?"

"It's an old man! He died a miserable death! He bled from his seven orifices and was dismembered and burned to the bone in the wilderness, leaving no bones or dregs behind!" After speaking without panting, Fengyue's eyes flashed darkly under her lashes, and she smiled flatteringly when she looked up, eyes narrowed into a slit: "I miss him so much, so I am a little excited seeing you."

"Is that so?" Yin Gezhi stayed silent, his gaze was drawn down from the top of her head, like a knife stabbing her. 

Facing his gaze, Fengyue stretched out her hand and tore off the clothes on her shoulders, her small shoulders twisted, and her little winking eyes were thrown towards him: "Besides, if the slave only wants to hook up with the prince, why would they treat you like this? What about enthusiasm? The prince and you are just benefactors, so to the slave, they are all the same."

Thinking about it this way, she didn't lie, just a while ago down stairs, she dared to poke her hand into his shirt in public. If the purpose was only for the prince, then she should never have come to seduce him.

His eyes narrowed, and the murderous aura around him dissipated a lot. After calming down for a moment, Yin Gezhi stopped and said, "If that's the case, then I've wronged you."

"Knowing that you have wronged the slave, why don't you give me some compensation?" Fengyue got up angrily, stretched out her index finger and poked him in the chest, feeling extremely wronged and coquettish.

This finger looked very gentle, but when it fell, Yin Gezhi only felt pain as if a chopstick was about to pierce his chest.

Is this unintentional or intentional?

Sitting on the stool behind him, he looked up and saw the woman in front of him pointing her lips with her index finger and approaching with lotus steps. The clothes on her body slipped down like water, revealing the long red silk tied around her wrists.

Red suits her very well, and the red silk is also ingeniously tied. With a slight lift of your hand, the bright color can slide across the white skin from between the eyebrows and fall on the silk skirt, causing ambiguous ripples.

As expected of someone in this line of work, there are tricks to seduce people.

Yin Gezhi is not an abstinent person, but he is not the one to take initiative on anyone, so even if the scene in front of him is lively, he just watches quietly, waiting for the goblin to wrap around him. She breathed hot air in his ears.

Fengyue is like a snake spirit, she climbed onto his body and wrapped him tightly, hooked his neck with her hands, hooked her legs around his waist, very familiar with the way, she found the tender meat behind his ear and lightly bite it.

With a muffled snort, Yin Gezhi's pupils shrank slightly.

The familiar tingling sensation swept over his body, so that he pinched the arm of the person in front of him : "You?!"

"Ah, you also can't bear it, young master?" Fengyue giggled.


Something flashed in his eyes, and Yin Gezhi's face darkened.

There are countless men who have been served by prostitutes. It is common to find ways to find sensitive places on benefactors.

He squeezed her wrist and explored it, but there was no inner strength at all, it was limp, not a martial arts adept.

Letting go, Yin Gezhi closed his eyes, gave a faint "hmm", and then let her act presumptuously on him.

He didn't want to spend the night outside, but for the sake of comfort, he made an exception.

In the candlelight, Fengyue took off his clothes one by one, slipped her hand from his strong arm, got into the palm of the person, opened his fist, and interlocked her fingers.

Yin Gezhi half-opened his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

"Huh?" Fengyue was at a loss, stretched out her hand to touch her face, and burst out laughing with a "puchi": "Oh, this slave has something wrong with her eyes. They tend to cry when they see light at night. You don't need to worry about it."

Tears at the sight of light? Yin Gezhi turned his head, glanced at the burning lamp on the table, and reached out to switch it off.

The room was dark in an instant, and the moonlight outside came in, and Fengyue's eyes as big as copper bells could be vaguely seen.

"I don't like to sleep with a light on either." Yin Gezhi said lightly, then stood up.

He has to either stand up with Fengyue in his arms, or stand up with her arms around his neck, or stand up straight when the person on his body is still entangled with him!

Fengyue, who was still in a graceful posture, screamed and hung on him in an instant, tremblingly said: "You should support me a little bit!"


“Just don’t let me fall!”

Lifting his feet and walking towards the bed, Yin Gezhi stopped and said, "If you fall, you can just get up by yourself, I'm too lazy to move."

Fengyue: "..."

Holding this man tightly, she laughed angrily. After so many years, Mr. Yin is still so inconsiderate of women. What's even more ridiculous is that even if he is so inconsiderate, women who want to fall off him and get up by themselves can still line up from Zhaoyao Street to the end of Xiangyu Street.

This is fate!

Clinging to him resignedly, until he lay on the bed, Fengyue breathed a sigh of relief, gritted her teeth, and said in a coquettish voice: "Master is really different from ordinary men, he is extraordinarily cold."

"You are also different from ordinary prostitutes, and you are particularly dazzling."

The voice came from his chest, Fengyue smiled sweetly, snuggled into his arms, and slid her fingers all the way down: "A man in this kind of place just finds a girl who is pleasing to the eye to spend the spring night together with? There ate those who like the elegant slaves and There are those who like the fierce slaves. It is even said that many people like the slaves that are fierce. But they are embarrassed to speak due to their status and not to loose face."

Just like a beast in clothes like him.

Yin Gezhi let out a muffled snort, not for approval or disapproval, but because the goblin on his body was grabbing his sensitive place again.

How many people did you have to serve before you could find a certain one in him?

Yin Gezhi disliked her for being dirty, but it was too late to leave, his body was burning hot, and his expression was gradually blurred due to the stimulated senses.

It has been a long time since anyone gave him such a feeling, as if the rope that bound him was broken, and he was sucked into a bottomless whirlpool with the torrent, lost and sinking...

There is no redemption.

Fengyue was not idle throughout the night, because she didn't know what this man would do to her after dawn, so she tried her best to provoke him to secretly catch fire. There is nothing about him that she is not familiar with, but now she is completely unfamiliar to him.

The enemy is in the clear and we are in the dark. This battle is naturally a victory for Fengyue. Although she was tied to the bedside and begged for mercy in the end, Yin Gezhi was very relieved that he was out of control and unbearable.

Everything has changed, at least the body still fits.

The two of them slept until noon of the second day. When Yin Gezhi opened his eyes, Fengyue woke up just in time. She muttered something in a daze, and put her arms around his waist. Sinking into his arms.

Feeling the warm in his arms, his heart felt a little strange. He pulled her away, pinched her chin and looked at her carefully: "Did I see you somewhere?"


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