Chapter 1 The Broken Red Silk

If she had known that eating meat sufficing for two more days would cause the silk hanging her to break, Guan Fengyue would have starved herself for two days first!

However, there is no if in this world, she has already eaten the meat, the rope has already been broken, and the person has fallen, and now she is staring at the person who is holding her.

This man's eyes are so deep, like a bottomless river cave, filled with cold water. The eyelashes on the eyelids are thick and long, and they look even more confusing when they hang down. The sword eyebrows are seven points heroic, the bridge of the nose is three points proud, but the thin lips are pursed into a strange arc, which seems a little angry.

Nonsense! can you not be angry! He is also a son of a wealthy family by his clothes, yet he is in full view of everyone! Holding a whore in a bellyband! That fell from the sky until it turned blue!

If it were her, she would be angry too! Definitely jump up and smash herself into meatloaf!

Looking at the ashen face of the man in front of him, Guan Fengyue laughed twice, wanting to ease the atmosphere, so she stretched her hand inside the man's lapel, and rubbed his chest!

"No internal injuries?"

His face, which was originally blue, turned black immediately after rubbing it. The young man in white stretched out his hand and threw her to the ground, yelling angrily, "Presumptuous!"

With a bang, Fengyue hit the floor and turned into a meatloaf.

Guan Fengyue is a bit wronged, damn it, you think prostitutes are presumptuous when you come to a brothel, have you gone to the wrong place? It's time to copy Buddhist scriptures in the temple on the next street!

The Jin mama at the back had an ugly expression on her face, as if she was the one who was thrown to the ground. She pushed Fengyue to the back with her big butt, and then said to the boy in white with a compensating smile: "Young master, don't be as unknowledgeable as her, she is not sensible, she just came here!"

Yin Gezhi sneered, brushed his rouge-stained skirt, his brows and eyes were frosty, as if he wanted to burn a hole in the back of Fengyue's head!

"I heard that Menghuilou has always featured 'qinqi, calligraphy, painting, poetry, singing, dancing and tea'. I thought that the women in it must be different from other vulgar things. I never thought that the girls here are more seductive than those standing outside on the street. shameless!"

The words are harsh, but most of the people here are dignitaries, and they can understand Yin Gezhi's thoughts, because the woman just now was too slutty.

Where is Menghuilou? A pure and unpretentious high-end brothel, other listings on the stage are playing the piano, composing poems and paintings, but she is good, she dances and takes off her clothes when she goes up, although she is indeed very beautiful, her movements are extremely bold and vulgar, unlike the ones in Menghuilou. Though it's a high-quality product, it's nothing but like the best among those meat-selling fairies outside. The b**** among the sexy b****es!

Fengyue pouted when she heard others scolding.

Thinking about the name Menghuilou, and then blowing the hype, it is also a brothel! No matter how dressed a decent woman is, she has to take it off! Since she has to take it off sooner or later, she can save trouble by doing it herself, so why should she be despised?

Getting up from the ground, Fengyue was wearing red silk, and knocked Jin Mama away with a twist! She flung her winking eyes, put her arms around the neck of the young man in white and smiled: "Sir, you want to listen to the piano, I can play it! If you want to play chess, I will accompany you! What poetry, calligraphy, painting, singing, dancing and tea, what do you want?" I can give you anything! Ten taels of silver for one night, seeing that you are good looking, I will give you a 20% discount!"

The bottomless eyes met her again, Fengyue smiled and couldn't help but stared at him for a while with squinted eyes, her eyes moved slightly. 
I didn't pay attention to the incident just now, now take a closer look, why does this face look so familiar?

Waving her hand away in disgust, he raised his leg and kicked away her entwined leg. Yin Gezhi sneered: "For a person like you, don't insult the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

People like you.

Fengyue listened, and suddenly felt that the surroundings became nothingness, the light disappeared, and a voice came from afar in the darkness, and said softly in her ear:
"A person like you should go to battle to kill the enemy. Look at these hands, they don't feel as soft as a daughter's."
"A person like you, how could you recommend yourself as a pillow? It's obviously tight, um, a virgin?"
"A person like really cruel. If you're leaving, won't you let me see what you look like?"

The bold obsession when she was young and ignorant, the high-spirited self-determination for life, the endless lingering in the darkness, It's like a beautiful spring dream she had. In the tragic disaster of exterminating the family and so many years of wandering, it was scattered, that even the fragments were gone. 

The erotic dream is gone, but the object of the erotic dream is still there. Looking at the disgusted eyes of the person in front of her, Fengyue sighed, and couldn't help but began to regret again.

Why did she only eat meat sufficing two more days? She should have eaten meat sufficing two hundred more days! Then smash the bastard to death!

Just as she was sighing, someone grabbed her arm from behind, and when she pulled it, she fell over her shoulder! After a whirl, Fengyue became a meatloaf again.

"Young master, don't be angry! They are all here to play. If you don't like this girl, you can change her. Don't be angry, don't be angry!" Waved to let Fengyue go down, Jin mama turned her head and smiled at Yin Gezhi with a warm spring Blossoming: "You continue to look at the other ones, for today's fee, just give me with a 50% discount!"

Yin Gezhi frowned.

The disheveled woman (Guan Fengyue) stood straight, and the red silk was not wrapped, revealing her white shoulders and slender waist. The red dudou strap was tied to his chest, reflecting the white skin, which made him react a little.

"That girl, what's your name?" Someone suddenly asked in a low voice from behind.

Yin Gezhi stopped for a while, and turned to look at the speaker.

Ye Yuqing, the crown prince of the Wu Kingdom, was wearing a blue gauze gown with a Xuejin gown lining it, and was sitting at the table behind him, waving a folding fan, staring at him with a smile on his face.

Looking up at the half-cut silk hanging from the beam of the house, and at the distance between himself and Ye Yuqing, Yin Gezhi thought for a while, and raised his hand to block Fengyue's path.

"You don't need to fight for discounts, and you don't need to pay for crimes. You can serve me tonight."

Jin mama was stunned, she was already thinking about how to clean up that little hoof (Guan Fengyue) to recover the loss, who knew that this handsome young man who was so angry just now want to be served by Fengyue again?

Man, what a fickle animal.

"Okay...Okay, I'll arrange it right now!" Though it's cheap to deliver to door, it's better than nothing, Fengyue has just been listed, and its worth is not as high as the entrance fee of Menghuilou, if it can offset the compensation, then it will be worth it!

So, with a wave of her hand, Jin mama turned and directed Fengyue's servants around in a "swipe", and happily ran to the bathhouse.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!" Fengyue yelled with her neck stuck in pain after being pulled, "Can't you be gentle!"

Jin mama slapped her on the back of her head, and said with her eyes wide open, gnashing her teeth, "Be more honest! How dare you yell nonsense after you have caused such a big disaster? The signboard of my Menghuilou almost fell in your hand! Now the young master wants you to serve, you will serve me well, do you hear me!"

Frozen all over, Fengyue raised her head, the corners of her eyes twitched badly, she turned her head to look at Yin Ge, and muttered in a low voice, "Is he sick? He disliked me so much just now, and now he's ordering my platform?"

"That's the customer's mind, you don't have to think about, you just take the money!" Jin mama twist her ear with a smile, and whispered: "I don't care about anything else, if you don't let this young master happy, then you don't have to continue messing around in Menghuilou!"

Happy? Fengyue rolled her eyes when she heard it.

Who is Yin Gezhi? The eldest prince of Wei, the famous cold-faced King of Hades, always puts on a bad face as if the whole world owed him money. Since she was a child, she peeked at him eight hundred times if not a thousand times, and she never saw him smile. From being rewarded by the Emperor Wei, to being named the most popular man among women in Lidu, he is everywhere, but he never smiles.

Fengyue analyzed the reason and thought that he might not be able to laugh by nature, so it would be easier for her to stop messing around in Menghuilou than making him look happy. 

However, Jin mama didn't give her a chance to protest at all. She threw her into the bathhouse to wash her twice, then picked her up and carried her to the third floor. When she arrived at Suzaku's room, she kicked her in.

With a "bang", Fengyue played like a lion rolling hydrangea ball, and after a few spins, there was a pair of finely crafted embroidered cloud white boots in front of her eyes.

White is a color that is easy to gets dirty and difficult to wash. Only people who have nothing to do but play handsome likes to wear it. It seems that even if he came to Wu to be a proton, Yin Gezhi's life is not bad.

Sucking her nose, Fengyue obediently got up and knelt down in front of him, pretending she didn't know anything, and said with a smile, "What can I do for you, my lord?"

Yin Gezhi regained consciousness, glanced at the person in front of him, and said expressionlessly, "Who are you?"

Her whole body tightened, as if a thread was pulled from her toes to her heart, Fengyue's pupils shrank slightly, and she looked up at him.

This is... have you found something?

Seeing this expression, Yin Gezhi stopped understanding: "Sure enough, there is a ghost. Tell me, which side is it from?"

Which side? Blinking, Fengyue thought about the meaning of this sentence, she felt relieved, a stone fell down with a "boom", which made her cannot help but laugh: "Master, I'm just a prostitute who just registered, which side can it be from?"

She just said, how could Yin Gezhi, who has countless beauties, take her, an unknown person who has only slept for half a month, in his heart.

Too worried, too sentimental.

"The person you were trying to seduce with that obscene dance just now is His Royal Highness?" Yin Gezhi stared at her: "If nothing happened, you should be lying in his arms now."

"Wow, that man is the prince?" Fengyue covered her mouth in surprise: "The slave family just picked a very good-looking son, and just plan to say hello!"

If she hadn't shown that complicated look just now, Yin Gezhi would have believed it, but unfortunately...

His hand was like lightning, and he strangled her by the throat. The person in front of her looked down at her, with a fierce light in his eyes: "If you don't want to tell the truth, you can never tell it."


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